Shopware 6 Backend Development I - On Demand Training

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  • Courses included: 1
  • Total video time: 7 hours
  • Access period: 1Y
  • € 189 for 1 year
  • € 27 per hour of video available to you
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Price €189.00
Access period 1 year

Included courses

Shopware 6 Backend Development Basics

Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-07-03
Number of lessons: 67
Number of slides: 362
Videos: 7 hours

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Course content

Shopware 6 Backend Development Basics

  • Introduction
  • Required Knowledge
  • Key facts about Shopware 6
  • Architecture
  • API overview
  • Structure of the database
  • Overview of platform bundles
  • Symfony services in Shopware 6
  • Dependency Injection in **Shopware**
  • Playing with wiring
  • Using factories
  • Extending services
  • About the Symfony kernel
  • Working with Context
  • Working with CLI
  • Tips and tricks
  • Quiz: Architecture
  • Quiz: Service modifications
  • Plugin Basics
  • Introducing plugins
  • Files and folders
  • Creating a plugin
  • Assignment: Create a **Plugin**
  • Adding a plugin configuration
  • Assignment: Create a Plugin **with Configuration**
  • Lifecycle methods in a plugin
  • Managing dependencies
  • Service definition in PHP or YAML
  • Plugin resources
  • Quiz
  • Commands
  • Creating a CLI command
  • Assignment: Create a **CLI Command**
  • Injecting services into a command
  • Assignment: Inject a Service into **CLI Command**
  • Events and subscribers
  • Introduction
  • Finding available Events
  • Event listeners and subscribers
  • Assignment: Change **every Product Name** to "SWAG"
  • Triggering your own event
  • Example with product.loaded event
  • Code example with event dispatching and handling
  • Subscribing to Twig templating events
  • Assignment: Add authors to all pages
  • Routing Architecture
  • Types of controllers
  • Creating a JSON controller
  • Assignment: Creating a **JSON** controller
  • Creating a page controller
  • Assignment: Creating a **page controller**
  • Adding flash messages
  • Common Storefront controller tasks
  • Injecting dependencies in a controller
  • Assignment: Inject configuration values
  • Overloading controllers
  • Dealing with SEO URLs
  • Configuration-based routes
  • Store API
  • Using the Store API
  • Examples of using the Store API
  • Creating a Store API Route
  • Assignment: Create **custom** Store-API Route
  • OpenAPI annotation
  • Creating a Store API Route
  • Misc
  • Indexing products and other entities
  • Working with the filesystem
  • Dealing with different currencies
  • Troubleshooting
  • Additional DI topics
  • Setter injection
  • Dependency Injection
  • Container extensions
  • Loading additional configuration files