Shopware 6 Frontend Development II - On Demand Training

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Price €189.00
Access period 1 year

Included courses

Shopware 6 Frontend Development Advanced

Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-06-08
Number of lessons: 52
Number of slides: 253
Videos: 4 hours

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Course content

Shopware 6 Frontend Development Advanced

  • Introduction
  • What Will Be Covered?
  • Essentials
  • Development setup
  • Creating a theme
  • Exercise: Create a theme
  • Creating a plugin
  • Exercise: Create a plugin
  • Twig essentials
  • Exercise: Override some Twig template
  • Advanced Twig
  • Adding new Twig variables
  • Using theme.json variables in SCSS and Twig
  • Using plugin variables (config.xml)
  • Adding global Twig variables
  • Adding a custom Twig filter
  • Adding a custom Twig function
  • Assignment: Create a custom function to expose the product repository
  • Extending the page
  • Pages and Pagelets
  • Assignment: Create an order counter per product
  • Extending the footer pagelet
  • Using the StorefrontRenderEvent
  • Add a middle name to a customer form
  • Assignment: Add a company field to the customer registration
  • JavaScript essentials
  • JavaScript in the Storefront
  • Assignment: Compile JS sources
  • Adding JavaScript to your Shopware plugin
  • Assignment: Create a custom JS plugin
  • Compiling custom NPM packages
  • Assignment: Implement a color picker
  • Using theme variables in JavaScript
  • Assignment: Add a variable to a JS plugin
  • Dealing with Viewports in your Shopware JavaScript
  • JavaScript advanced
  • JavaScript in the Storefront
  • Exercise: Compile JS sources
  • Adding JavaScript to your Shopware plugin
  • Exercise: Create a custom JS plugin
  • Using jQuery
  • Using plugin variables in JS
  • Debugging JavaScript
  • Overriding an existing JavaScript plugin
  • Overriding the OffCanvasCartPlugin options
  • Overriding Tiny Slider
  • Dealing with JavaScript events in Shopware 6
  • Common JavaScript utilities
  • Using AJAX in the Shopware storefront
  • Dealing with Viewports in your Shopware JavaScript
  • Using the DOM in your Shopware JS plugin
  • Webpack
  • Webpack essentials
  • Adding NPM packages to your JavaScript plugin
  • Adding TypeScript
  • Shopware Apps
  • Introduction to Shopware Apps
  • App manifest.xml
  • Shopware PWA
  • Introduction to Shopware PWA