University Access to All Shopware 6 On-Demand Training
- Courses included: 16
- Total video time: 47 hours
- Access period: 1Y
- € 749 for 1 year
- € 16 per hour of video available to you
Price | €749.00 |
Access period | 1 year |
Included courses
Frontend development generics
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-06-08
Number of lessons: 45
Number of slides: 205
Videos: 5.1 hours
PHP Basics
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-09-25
Number of lessons: 39
Number of slides: 109
Videos: 0 hours
PHP Advanced Programming
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-09-26
Number of lessons: 83
Number of slides: 533
Videos: 1.5 hours
JavaScript Basics
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-07-03
Number of lessons: 9
Number of slides: 39
Videos: 0.1 hours
JavaScript Advanced
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-06-12
Number of lessons: 59
Number of slides: 269
Videos: 0.3 hours
Linux Fundamentals
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-05-23
Number of lessons: 33
Number of slides: 155
Videos: 0 hours
Docker Essentials
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-05-23
Number of lessons: 26
Number of slides: 144
Videos: 0 hours
Shopware 6 Administration Development
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-06-08
Number of lessons: 64
Number of slides: 383
Videos: 0.4 hours
Shopware 6 App Development
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-09-16
Number of lessons: 27
Number of slides: 144
Videos: 5.5 hours
Shopware 6 Technical Architecture
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-06-08
Number of lessons: 88
Number of slides: 391
Videos: 1.9 hours
Shopware 6 Backend Development Advanced
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-06-08
Number of lessons: 66
Number of slides: 389
Videos: 1 hours
Shopware 6 Backend Development Basics
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-07-03
Number of lessons: 67
Number of slides: 362
Videos: 7 hours
Shopware 6 Frontend Development Advanced
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-06-08
Number of lessons: 52
Number of slides: 253
Videos: 4 hours
Shopware 6 Frontend Development Basics
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-09-25
Number of lessons: 105
Number of slides: 375
Videos: 5.8 hours
Shopware 6 Technical Merchant
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-06-08
Number of lessons: 29
Number of slides: 108
Videos: 0.2 hours
Shopware 6 PWA Development
Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-07-03
Number of lessons: 73
Number of slides: 399
Videos: 14.7 hours
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Course content
Frontend development generics
- Introduction to webdesign
- The difference between frontend and backend
- Roles in webdevelopment
- HTML overview
- HTML 5 boilerplate
- HTML elements
- HTML attributes
- Browser tools
- Using the Browser its Developer Tools
- Using the Error Console
- Monitoring the network requests
- Dealing with browser caching
- Elements pane vs HTML source
- Browser tools
- Toggling the mobile view
- Adding some temporary CSS code
- Forcing an element its state
- Going incognito
- Preserving logs
- Throttling networking traffic
- Running a Lighthouse scan
- Inspecting the Application state
- Blocking requests
- Troubleshooting webpages
- CSS basics
- Responsiveness
- Sizes in CSS
- Advanced CSS topics
- CSS animations
- Font families
- CSS Grids
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS preprocessors
- Building tools
- CSS modules
- Working with PostCSS
- Introducing Tailwind
- Tailwind
- Colors in CSS
- JavaScript and jQuery
- jQuery
- Images
- Images
- overview
- Characters and encodings
- Characters and encoding
- Performance
- How browser caching works
- Core Web Vitals
PHP Basics
- Introduction
- PHP community
- Basic syntax
- PHP basics
- Working with arrays
- Operators
- Comments
- Hinting
- Global constants
- Lambdas & closures
- Coding standards
- Reviewing code
- PHP and MySQL
- MySQL basics
- Assignment: Create a new database table
- Filesystem
- Handling files
- Dealing with JSON
- Dealing with CSV
- Dealing with XML
- Regular expressions
- Regular expressions
- PhpStorm
- Getting a PhpStorm license
- Overview of PhpStorm
- Requirements for running PhpStorm
- Installing PhpStorm
- Opening a project in PhpStorm
- Changing the PHP version in PhpStorm
- Composer settings in PhpStorm
- Using PhpStorm plugins
- Enabling the Magento plugin in PhpStorm
- Opening up the context menu
- Formatting your code in PhpStorm
- PhpStorm and its 1000 shortcuts
- Excluding Magento files from your PhpStorm project
- Run Configurations in PhpStorm
- Running a PHP built-in server from PhpStorm
- Working with PhpStorm File Templates
- Working with PhpStorm Live Templates
- Configuring PHPUnit within PhpStorm
- Generating code via AI
- Tuning PhpStorm for performance
- Working with JetBrains Gateway remotely
- Tips and tricks
PHP Advanced Programming
- Introduction
- Learning curve
- Development environment
- Syntax
- PHP 7.0 syntax
- PHP 7.1 syntax
- PHP 7.2 syntax
- PHP 7.3 syntax
- PHP 7.4 syntax
- PHP 8.0 syntax
- PHP 8.1 syntax
- PHP 8.2 syntax
- PHP 8.3 features
- PHP 8.4 features
- PHP 7.X syntax
- PHP 8.0
- PHP 8.1 syntax
- Generics
- Classes
- Objects and classes
- Exercice: Create classes for a Author-library
- Class elements
- Class types
- Namespaces
- Assignment: Use namespaces
- Predefined classes and interfaces
- Tools
- Tools overview
- Composer
- Assignment: Implement composer
- Assignment: Add simple templating
- Composer
- Requiring a composer package
- Semantic versioning
- install vs update
- Dealing with composer repositories
- Local composer repositories
- Class autoloading
- Popular Composer packages
- Assignment: Autoloading your classes
- Assignment: Add Symfony console
- Assignment: Add logging
- Assignment: Install the wrong composer package
- Coding patterns
- Coding principles
- PSR Standards
- Object calisthenics
- Design patterns
- Assignment: Add MVC to your Author app
- Dependency Injection (DI)
- Other patterns
- Event sourcing
- Imperative vs Declarative
- Value objects
- Testing
- Testing
- PHPUnit
- Assignment: Add a functional test to your app
- Unit testing
- Assignment: Test your library with PHPUnit
- Advanced testing
- Miscellaneous
- Deployment
- Behat
- Codeception
- Cypress
- Debugging
- Debugging basics
- PHP errors
- Assignment: Endless loop
- Assignment: Detect PHP errors in Magento module `Yireo_FaultyViewModels`
- Assignment: Memory limit
- Assignment: Unreadable files
- PHP internals
- Code analysis
- Xdebug basics
- Xdebug
- Assignment: Debug the FrontController
- Xdebug profiling
- Xdebug tracing
- Exception basics
- Troubleshooting Magento issues
- Assignment: Dangers of running root
- SonarQube
- Debugging tips
- Miscellaneous
- Output
- Performance
- Security
- Modernizing WordPress
JavaScript Basics
- Basics
- JavaScript built-in objects
- JavaScript encapsulation
- Working with objects
- Casting
- Using the DOM
- Other browser APIs
- Basic concepts
- Read-only objects
- JavaScript engines
JavaScript Advanced
- Syntax
- The problem of JavaScript syntax
- ES6 Template literals
- Transpilers
- TypeScript
- Node basics
- Useful JavaScript tools
- Installing NodeJS
- Adding NPM packages
- Some package suggestions
- Assignment: Create your own CLI
- Scripts in your `package.json` file
- Applications
- Frameworks
- React JS
- Assignment: Create a simple React application
- Vue JS
- Assignment: Create a simple Vue application
- Svelte JS
- Invocation patterns
- Invocation patterns
- Binding the keyword `this`
- Module pattern
- Internals
- Strict Mode
- Understandig the prototype chain
- Prototyping
- Object properties
- Proxy
- Monads
- Collections
- Event loop overview
- Asynchronous calls
- AJAX example with React
- Assignment: Create a React app for your Author AJAX API
- AJAX call in Vue
- Assignment: Create an Vue app for your Author AJAX API
- Promises
- Assignment: Create a CLI script that makes an AJAX call
- Events
- Events
- Events in Node
- Node applications
- Node overview
- Utilities for CLI scripts
- Assignment: Create a CLI script to navigate the filesystem
- Other Node topics
- NPM workspaces
- NPM packages
- Module formats
- Bundlers
- Bundlers
- Webpack
- Vite
- Rollup
- Parcel
- Node in production
- Assignment: Create an Express-based proxy for your Author AJAX API
- Process managers
- Express middleware
- Serviceworkers
- Serviceworkers
- ServiceWorker events
- Other topics
- Webcomponents
- Web Components
- Testing
- Basic of testing
- Tape
- Cypress end-to-end testing
- Debugging
- Debugging basics
Linux Fundamentals
- Introduction
- About Linux
- Resources
- Users and groups
- Commands
- Basic shell commands
- Linux permissions
- Creating shell scripts
- Small bits
- Assignment: Diffing and patching
- Configuration formats
- UNIX timestamp
- Networking
- Networking
- Services
- Ready-made stacks
- Webservers
- Assignment: Write a simple PHP script to use a remote API
- MySQL database
- Databases
- ElasticSearch database
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
- Varnish
- Git versioning
- Git essentials
- Assignment: Create a git repository
- Using GitHub
- Assignment: Create a GitHub repository
- Assignment: Upload your files
- Advanced git usage
- Git beyond the basics
- Licensing
- Open source licenses
- Remote servers
- Tools for working remotely
- Using SSH
- Windows tips
- Windows Subsystem for Linux
- MacOS tips
- MacOS tools
Docker Essentials
- Basics
- Introduction to Docker
- Assignment: Register at the Docker Hub
- Installing Docker
- Assignment: Docker installation in Ubuntu
- Assignment: Docker installation in Windows WSL
- Assignment: PHP installation in Windows WSL
- Getting started
- Assignment: Kickstart the Docker examples
- docker-compose
- Assignment: Run Apache, PHP, MySQL and ElasticSearch via compose
- Networking
- Volumes
- Creating images
- Registries
- Tips & tricks
- Troubleshooting Docker issues
- Alternatives
- Colima for containers to run Magento
- GitHub Action examples
- Gitpod
- Clustering Docker containers
- Introduction
- Docker Swarm
- Kubernetes
- Kubernetes pods
- Kustomization
- Kubernetes & Helm
- Skaffold
Shopware 6 Administration Development
- Introduction
- Administration architecture
- Common tasks in the Administration
- Adding custom JavaScript
- JavaScript in the Administration
- Compiling the administration
- Plugin configuration
- Plugin configuration
- Assignment: Add a plugin configuration
- Vue architecture
- Vue essentials
- Vue components of the Shopware core
- Assignment: Add a text editor to your plugin configuration
- Registering Vue components
- Add JS to your plugin
- Assignment: Create a dummy JS file in your plugin
- Registering Vue components
- Twig JS
- Assignment: Add a custom component to your plugin configuration
- Custom component in plugin configuration
- Assignment: Add a NPM-based component to your plugin configuration
- Lazy loading of components
- Working with the Shopware object
- The Shopware object
- Shopware.Directive
- Shopware.Helper
- Vue mixins
- Shopware.Service & Shopware.ApiService
- Provide/inject
- Tips and tricks
- Administration modules
- Creating a module
- Assignment: Create a simple module
- Permissions
- Lab Exercise
- Data flow
- Vuex state
- Adding an Administration module
- Admin API
- Using the Admin API
- Sync API
- Creating an Admin API route
- Assignment: Create **custom** Admin-API Route
- Entities in the Administration
- Data layer in Administration
- Managing your entity in the Administration
- Listing your entities
- Admin entity detail page
- Creating a new entity
- The Dealers CRUD example
- Webpack
- Hot Module Reloading
- Webpack essentials
- Adding NPM packages to your JavaScript plugin
- Adding TypeScript
- Vue Single File Components
- Customizing the Administration
- Extending Vue components
- Overriding Vue components
- Changing a TwigJS template
- Calling parent methods
- Injecting into the Vue router
- Extending the product grid
- CMS customization
- Working with CMS content
- Creating a custom CMS block
- Assignment: Add a Bootstrap jumbotron CMS Block
- Creating a custom CMS element
- Assignment: Create a custom CMS Element
- Product customization
- Creating a custom fieldset
- Importing and exporting products
- Admin extension SDK
- Introduction
- End-to-end testing
- Introducing Cypress
- Using Cypress in the Administration
Shopware 6 App Development
- Shopware Apps basics
- Introduction to
- Setting up your development environment
- Name your App Scripts properly
- App manifest.xml
- Converting a Shopware Theme to an app
- Adding Twig templates to your App
- Converting a Shopware Plugin to an app
- Setting up a Shopware app
- Validating your App
- Updating the app in Shopware
- Working with App Scripts
- Dealing with App permissions
- Shopware Apps side projects
- App Scripts
- Extending product page
- Expose App configuration to Twig templates
- Processing the cart with App Scripts
- Executing App Scripts via the Store API
- Executing App Scripts via the Admin API
- Adding custom fields to your Apps
- A media Custom Field via App Scripts
- Discovering the ServiceStubs
- Adding custom entities
- Developer tricks for App Scripts
- Reusable scripts via Twig macros
- Connecting to a SaaS from your Shopware Apps
- Setup AppTemplate
- Coding with the AppTemplate
- Shopware Apps cookbook
- Playing with permissions
Shopware 6 Technical Architecture
- Overview
- Shopware application
- Shopware stack
- Shopware versions
- Licensing
- Symfony in Shopware
- Concepts
- Snippets
- Symfony configuration
- Symfony Flex recipes
- Running projects
- Shopware requirements
- Running projects
- Version control
- Project steps
- Environment
- Environment overview
- Native Environments
- Docker solutions
- Using the core Docker Compose
- ddev with Shopware
- Using Dockware
- Virtual or Native Environments?
- Gitpod and Shopware
- Kubernetes
- Hypernode image
- Possibility of a hybrid stack
- Assignment: Setup your own development environment
- Summary
- Installation
- Installation overview
- Environment variables
- Environment variables with Flex
- Modify ENV variable values
- Preparing for the installation
- Installing the Production Template
- Assignment: Install Shopware via `composer`
- Setting up an existing project
- Quiz: Installation
- Post-install
- Switch to `dev` mode
- Install `shopware/dev-tools`
- Assignment: Install the Shopware `dev-tools`
- Modify admin user
- First Run Wizard
- Configuring Sales Channels
- Getting demo data
- Assignment: Install demo-data
- Installing Shopware Store packages via composer
- Redis
- Assignment: Setup Redis
- Disable all caches
- Disable the autoupdater
- Updates
- **Updating** Shopware 6
- Upgrading to Symfony Flex
- Tools
- Shopware console
- Shopware CLI
- Symfony CLI
- Plugins
- Some useful plugins
- Using composer patches
- Composer replacements
- Composer plugins
- Frosh Tools
- Assignment: Install FroshTools
- Frosh Development Helper
- Tinker
- Tinkerwell
- Database tools
- In production
- Deploying Shopware
- Deployment
- Blue Green Deployment
- Continuous integration
- Deployment via artifact
- Deployment with Deployer PHP
- Deploying plugins
- Git essentials
- SSH usage
- ElasticSearch
- Message queue
- Configuring mailers
- Shopware `systemd` services
- Shopware `supervisor` services
- Keeping secrets
- Performance
- MySQL tuning
- PHP tuning
- HTTP Cache
- Varnish
- Symfony locking
- Performance tricks
- Monitoring tools
- Profiling tools
- Troubleshooting
- Deprecated messages in CLI
Shopware 6 Backend Development Advanced
- Database operations
- Introduction
- Using repositories
- Working with products
- Assignment: **Inject a repository** into your controller
- Database migrations
- Assignment: Create an author table
- Creating a product entity extension
- Creating a custom entity
- Assignment: Create a **author entity**
- Assignment: Create Sample Data for entities
- Assignment: Create a CLI plugin for authors
- Assignment: Create an author controller with authors
- Custom fields
- Assignment: Add Custom Fields to the author entity
- Extending Entities
- Translating Entities
- Assignment: Add Translation to an existing Entity
- Entity associations
- Entity Extensions
- Assignment: Using **Entity Extensions** to add Data to an **existing Entity**
- Assignment: Using **Custom Fields** to add Data to an **existing Entity**
- Checkout
- Checkout Overview
- States and State Machines
- Checkout - Collectors
- Assignment: Create custom Checkout **Collector**
- Checkout - Processors
- Assignment: Create custom Checkout **Processor**
- Checkout - Validators
- Assignment: Create custom Checkout **Validator**
- Shipping Methods
- Assignment: Create a __Shipping Method__
- Payment Methods
- Assignment: Create __synchronous__ Payment Method
- Tax overview
- Scheduled Tasks
- Executing Scheduled Tasks
- Create a custom Scheduled Task
- Message queue
- Asynchronous task management with a message queue
- Consuming messages
- Custom messages
- ElasticSearch
- Introduction to ElasticSearch
- Versions
- Alternatives to ElasticSearch
- Terminology
- Connecting to ElasticSearch
- ElasticSearch via Docker
- ElasticSearch on Linux
- ElasticSearch in PHP
- ElasticSearch in Shopware
- Indexing process in Shopware
- Decorating ElasticsearchProductDefinition
- Aggregation APIs
- Analyzers
- Normalizers
- Index and dynamic templates
- Dynamic templates
- ElasticSearch scripts
- Logging in Shopware
- Clustering ElasticSearch
- Scaling tips for ElasticSearch
- ELK stack
- Setting up Kibana
- HTTP cache
- Varnish
- Testing
- Testing overview
- Unit testing
- Setting up your tests
- Integration testing
- Webtesting with Symfony
Shopware 6 Backend Development Basics
- Introduction
- Required Knowledge
- Key facts about Shopware 6
- Architecture
- API overview
- Structure of the database
- Overview of platform bundles
- Symfony services in Shopware 6
- Dependency Injection in **Shopware**
- Playing with wiring
- Using factories
- Extending services
- About the Symfony kernel
- Working with Context
- Working with CLI
- Tips and tricks
- Quiz: Architecture
- Quiz: Service modifications
- Plugin Basics
- Introducing plugins
- Files and folders
- Creating a plugin
- Assignment: Create a **Plugin**
- Adding a plugin configuration
- Assignment: Create a Plugin **with Configuration**
- Lifecycle methods in a plugin
- Managing dependencies
- Service definition in PHP or YAML
- Plugin resources
- Quiz
- Commands
- Creating a CLI command
- Assignment: Create a **CLI Command**
- Injecting services into a command
- Assignment: Inject a Service into **CLI Command**
- Events and subscribers
- Introduction
- Finding available Events
- Event listeners and subscribers
- Assignment: Change **every Product Name** to "SWAG"
- Triggering your own event
- Example with product.loaded event
- Code example with event dispatching and handling
- Subscribing to Twig templating events
- Assignment: Add authors to all pages
- Routing Architecture
- Types of controllers
- Creating a JSON controller
- Assignment: Creating a **JSON** controller
- Creating a page controller
- Assignment: Creating a **page controller**
- Adding flash messages
- Common Storefront controller tasks
- Injecting dependencies in a controller
- Assignment: Inject configuration values
- Overloading controllers
- Dealing with SEO URLs
- Configuration-based routes
- Store API
- Using the Store API
- Examples of using the Store API
- Creating a Store API Route
- Assignment: Create **custom** Store-API Route
- OpenAPI annotation
- Creating a Store API Route
- Misc
- Indexing products and other entities
- Working with the filesystem
- Dealing with different currencies
- Troubleshooting
- Additional DI topics
- Setter injection
- Dependency Injection
- Container extensions
- Loading additional configuration files
Shopware 6 Frontend Development Advanced
- Introduction
- What Will Be Covered?
- Essentials
- Development setup
- Creating a theme
- Exercise: Create a theme
- Creating a plugin
- Exercise: Create a plugin
- Twig essentials
- Exercise: Override some Twig template
- Advanced Twig
- Adding new Twig variables
- Using theme.json variables in SCSS and Twig
- Using plugin variables (config.xml)
- Adding global Twig variables
- Adding a custom Twig filter
- Adding a custom Twig function
- Assignment: Create a custom function to expose the product repository
- Extending the page
- Pages and Pagelets
- Assignment: Create an order counter per product
- Extending the footer pagelet
- Using the StorefrontRenderEvent
- Add a middle name to a customer form
- Assignment: Add a company field to the customer registration
- JavaScript essentials
- JavaScript in the Storefront
- Assignment: Compile JS sources
- Adding JavaScript to your Shopware plugin
- Assignment: Create a custom JS plugin
- Compiling custom NPM packages
- Assignment: Implement a color picker
- Using theme variables in JavaScript
- Assignment: Add a variable to a JS plugin
- Dealing with Viewports in your Shopware JavaScript
- JavaScript advanced
- JavaScript in the Storefront
- Exercise: Compile JS sources
- Adding JavaScript to your Shopware plugin
- Exercise: Create a custom JS plugin
- Using jQuery
- Using plugin variables in JS
- Debugging JavaScript
- Overriding an existing JavaScript plugin
- Overriding the OffCanvasCartPlugin options
- Overriding Tiny Slider
- Dealing with JavaScript events in Shopware 6
- Common JavaScript utilities
- Using AJAX in the Shopware storefront
- Dealing with Viewports in your Shopware JavaScript
- Using the DOM in your Shopware JS plugin
- Webpack
- Webpack essentials
- Adding NPM packages to your JavaScript plugin
- Adding TypeScript
- Shopware Apps
- Introduction to Shopware Apps
- App manifest.xml
- Shopware PWA
- Introduction to Shopware PWA
Shopware 6 Frontend Development Basics
- Introduction
- Shopware 6 Frontend Development
- Prerequisites
- Terms used in this course
- Getting started
- Development setup
- Assignment: Prepare your environment
- Disable caching
- Assignment: Disable caching
- IDE setup
- Assignment: Configure your IDE
- Using the Symfony Profiler
- Project and Directory structure
- CLI tools
- Creating a new theme
- Assignment: Create a new theme
- Theme configuration
- Theming basics
- Theming structure
- Explaining the theme.json file
- Assignment: Playing with the JSON
- Theme inheritance
- Working with assets
- Assignment: Copy files from plugin folder
- Assignment: Copy files from theme folder
- Translations
- Twig templating
- Understanding Twig templating
- Debugging Twig templates
- Twig filters
- Shopware-specific Twig tags
- Twig template overrides
- Assignment: Include your own template
- Assignment: Override the logo
- Assignment: Override some Twig template
- Assignment: Show an icon
- Assignment: Add a Bootstrap jumbotron
- Working with assets in Twig
- Assignment: Display an asset via Twig
- Remove the phonenumber from the contact form
- Adding a custom field to the footer
- Assignment: Override the footer
- Overriding a logo
- Assignment: Override the logo
- Using an SVG logo
- Working with variables in Twig
- CSS strategy
- Hot Module Reloading
- Assignment: Enable Hot Module Reloading
- Introducing SCSS
- Internals of SCSS compilation
- Modifying SCSS variables
- Assignment: Modify some SCSS variables
- Working with Twitter Bootstrap
- Using theme.json variables in SCSS and Twig
- Assignment: Add a variable to a SCSS file
- Assignment: Add a variable to a Twig template
- Working with assets in CSS
- Assignment: Display asset via CSS (1/2)
- Responsive webdesign
- Adding FontAwesome icons
- Using Tailwind instead of Bootstrap
- Customizing pages
- Snippets
- Assignment: Add a snippet
- Customizing the product details page
- Assignment: Modify the product page
- Adding a Custom Field to the product page
- Assignment: Add a Custom Field
- Adding a property to the product page
- Assignment: Add a Property
- Adding a tab to the product detail page
- Assignment: Add a custom tab
- Customizing the category page
- Adding a custom field to a category
- Assignment: Add a Custom Field
- Customizing the homepage
- Assignment: Add a custom Twig template
- Accessing the request in Twig
- Assignment: Use request details in Twig
- Modifying the checkout
- Adding a custom field to the checkout
- Add a custom block with a shipping method
- Assignment: Add a block to a shipment method
- Checkout and sales
- Cart architecture
- Order state machines
- Introduction to payment handlers
- Modifying the revocation policy
- Performance tuning
- Performance metrics
- Caching strategies
- Optimizing images
- CSS & JS bundling
- Using a CDN
- Minify HTML
- Optimizing fonts
- Advanced
- Using `@Routes`
- Customizing email templates
- Working with CMS content
- Using media entities
- Assignment: Show a custom media image
- Using flatpickr for the birthday field
- Adding global Twig variables
- Adding a custom Twig filter
- Add a middle name to a customer form
- Add a custom block with a shipping method
- Assignment: Add a block to a shipment method
- Other topics
- Development tips
- Setting up PhpStorm
- Using a logger
- Using Redis
Shopware 6 Technical Merchant
- Introduction
- Shopware overview
- Shopware plans
- Shopware versions
- General administration
- CMS overview
- CMS pages
- Assignment: Customize the product page
- CMS sections
- CMS blocks and elements
- Assignment: Customize the homepage
- External CMSes
- Products
- Products
- Essential characteristics
- Variants
- Categories
- Categories overview
- Navigations
- Assignment: Create a landing page for promoted products
- Custom Fields
- Custom Fields overview
- Assignment: Create a Custom Field for a product
- Sales
- Sales in Shopware
- Quiz: Sales
- Extensions
- Extension overview
- Plugins
- Themes
- Apps
- Going headless with Shopware
- Logic building
- Business Events overview
- Flow Builder
- Rule Builder
Shopware 6 PWA Development
- Introduction
- Vocabulary
- Introducting Shopware PWA
- Installation
- Development tools
- Shopware PWA installation
- Configuration
- Configuration of domains
- PWA commands
- Different modes for going to production
- `shopware-pwa plugins` command
- Package overview
- Combined sources
- Vue essentials
- Vue basics
- Simple counter
- Dynamic listing
- Composition API
- Simple counter with the Composition API
- `ref`, `reactive`, `computed` and `toRef`
- Composables in Shopware PWA
- Watching values
- Dealing with Vue slots
- State management
- Vue partials
- Working with Nuxt.js
- Nuxt.js introduction
- Installing Nuxt.js
- Nuxt.js theming
- Nuxt.js architecture
- NuxtJS Configuration
- Nuxt.js modules
- NuxtJS plugins
- Customize routing
- NuxtJS content module
- Theming
- First steps into Shopware PWA theming
- Creating page layouts
- Views
- Overriding a component
- Working with Storefront UI
- Override the footer
- CSS styling
- Addding Google fonts
- Overriding Storefront UI components
- Change meta-data
- PWA plugins
- Creating a local plugin
- Using Shopware plugins in the PWA
- Creating a Shopware plugin for PWA
- Working with PWA slots
- Extend the navigation menu
- Adding layouts and pages via your PWA plugin
- Overriding remote PWA plugins
- Using settings in your plugin
- API communication
- Interacting with the Shopware APIs
- Examples of using the Store API
- Setting API defaults
- Using the API
- Creating a Store API Route
- Working with the CMS
- First peek at CMS architecture
- Overriding a CMS Block
- Overriding a CMS Element
- Jumbotron example
- Customizing the theme
- Customizing the category page
- Customizing the product page
- Using product functions
- Checkout overview
- Disable cart notifications
- Advanced topics
- Interceptors
- Shopware PWA in production
- Deployment
- AJAX calls with SSR
- Adding the right context
- Deployment with SSG
- Deployment with SSR
- Tips and tricks
- Building a PWA without Shopware PWA
- Troubleshooting
- Best practices