Hyvä Checkout Development - 29 July / 30 July 2024 (2 days)

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After the success of Hyvä Themes, we now have the Hyvä Checkout - a fresh MageWire-based checkout mechanism, extensible, flexible and much more. However, new tech also requires a learning curve. With our course, you can shorten that curve and get started quickly.

  • Courses included: 2
  • Total video time: 11 hours
  • Access period: 1Y
  • € 975 for 1 year
  • € 89 per hour of video available to you

What do you get with this training:

You'll get a copy of the course materials, including slides, student notes, plus the code used during the training.

No labs. Additional guidance instead.

During the day, there will be no lab exercises. We will focus on knowledge transfer only and be as efficient as possible with the available time. Applying the knowledge in practice can always be done afterwards - and we offer you the option to ask any questions after the training (for instance via Skype or mail). Our experience is that with this method you can jump to results quicker.

More subjects?

Do you have any specific subject that you want to be dealt with during the training? Let us know and we are happy to integrate that subject into the program.

More Information
Price €975.00
Starting date Jul 29, 2024
Ending Date Jul 30, 2024

Included courses

Magento 2 Hyvä Checkout Development

Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-07-03
Number of lessons: 36
Number of slides: 127
Videos: 4.2 hours

Magento 2 Magewire Development

Status: Complete
Last updated: 2024-07-03
Number of lessons: 42
Number of slides: 160
Videos: 6.7 hours

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Course content

Magento 2 Hyvä Checkout Development

  • Introduction
  • Course introduction
  • Meet Hyvä
  • Hyvä and checkouts
  • Hyvä Checkout
  • Requirements for this course
  • Getting started
  • Magewire first
  • Hyvä Checkout installation
  • Configuring Hyvä Checkout
  • Create a custom Hyvä Theme
  • Customize styling
  • Debugging MageWire
  • Using the LiveWire DevTools
  • Hyva Checkout architecture
  • Hyva Checkout architecture overview
  • The XML layout of Hyva Checkout
  • Blocks, ViewModels and Components
  • Steps and step evaluation
  • Conditions
  • Customizing things
  • Something went wrong
  • Events
  • JavaScript events in checkout
  • Magento observable events
  • MageWire events
  • Form manipulation
  • Modifying form fields in the Admin
  • Additional EAV shipping address field
  • Registering a form modifier
  • Common actions in form modifiers
  • Form events
  • Example: Changing Tailwind classes
  • Creating new fields
  • Form components
  • Magewiring the address
  • Checkout scenarios
  • Checkout progress bar
  • Reordering steps in the checkout
  • Additional step in the checkout
  • In-store pickup
  • Payment methods
  • Payment methods

Magento 2 Magewire Development

  • Introduction
  • Course introduction
  • About Magewire
  • What is MageWire?
  • Requirements for this course
  • My Development Setup
  • Getting started
  • Magewire installation
  • Assignment: Install MageWire
  • Troubleshooting MageWire installation
  • MageWire basics
  • Example module with MageWire
  • Binding handlers
  • Magewire with lists
  • Modifiers for binding handlers
  • `wire:select` modifier
  • Assignment: Create a simple counter component
  • Example counter with MageWire
  • Example counter with MageWire (advanced)
  • Magewire being `dirty`
  • Example: Switch the block template
  • Magewiring forms
  • Magic actions
  • Add Hyva styling to your component
  • Architecture
  • Initializing content via `wire:init`
  • How MageWire loads data
  • MageWire HTTP calls
  • Component classes
  • MageWire, ViewModel or Block?
  • Combination with AlpineJS
  • Combining MageWire with Alpine
  • Hooks and events
  • Component hooks
  • Client-side hooks
  • Events and listeners
  • JavaScript events
  • Magento events
  • Different events, different scenarios
  • JS customization
  • Entanglement
  • The Magewire JavaScript object
  • Advanced topics
  • Hydrators
  • Nesting components
  • Nesting components with the same class
  • Strong typing and Magewire
  • Dom Diffing issues
  • Magewire scenarios
  • A product finder based on Magewire
  • Adding Magewire to the minicart